Lib Dem Zero-Tolerance Littering Policy
Mayor Dave Hodgson takes stand against 'enviro-crime'
Over the past year Lib Dem Mayor Dave Hodgson has started a zero tolerance policy against littering. Now in Bedford Borough, anybody seen littering is given a £75 fixed penalty notice. Failure to pay the Penalty Payment within 28 days results in the offender being taken before the court, who have being dealing severely with the offence and issuing fines and costs which in some cases have been for hundreds of pounds.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "Littering is anti-social behaviour and blights the local environment for everyone. We are now prosecuting more offenders than ever before and we will maintain a zero-tolerance approach towards the minority of people who believe it is acceptable to drop litter in the borough."
Littering falls into a category of crime known as 'enviro-crime' which also includes fly-tipping, graffiti and dog fouling. If you have any information about an 'enviro-crime', or would like to find out more please click here.