Lifetime Wait for Road Resurfacing Just Not Good Enough Say Lib Dems
Liberal Democrats have declared that local residents deserve better after Borough Council figures for the urban area revealed that at the current rate of resurfacing it would take 66 years, almost a lifetime, for every road to be resurfaced.
The figures refer to works being undertaken this year within the "section 42" area funded by the County Council. Liberal Democrats believe that more must be done to ensure that no residents have to wait 66 years for decent, safe road surfaces in their neighbourhood.
Speaking on the issue, Putnoe Liberal Democrat Councillor Myrtle Stewardson said:
"The County Council is failing to appreciate the urgency of ensuring that our roads are of an acceptable standard and are safe for all users.
The state of our roads is a disgrace and patching and filling potholes is no solution. There needs to be a proper programme of resurfacing. Waiting 66 years is not acceptable to local residents."