£1 million Roads and Pavements Boost - The Fightback Against Years of Crumbling Roads Continues

I am very pleased to have announced an additional £1 million of funding in the current financial year for road and footpath repairs. Sadly, the former Conservative County Council left an appalling legacy of crumbling, unsafe roads, and a vast backlog of necessary works. It was clear to me that this had to be a priority for the new Council, and Liberal Democrat colleagues and I were successful in ensuring that an extra £2 million was invested in the roads last year over and above the funding level of the old County Council after we forced another £1 million into the budget. The new funding boost means an extra £2million again this year. This means more roads being resurfaced and repaired right across the Borough.
People are telling me they are noticing a difference in the amount of works being done, but I know there is still much to do. The backlog of works inherited from the County Council was vast, and the worst winter in 30 years last year was a real setback. I am under no illusion that there is a lot of hard work ahead as we strive to improve the condition of roads across the Borough.