'A Big Day for Bedford Borough' - Bypass Construction is Underway!

Mayor Dave Hodgson marked the formal commencent of works on the crucial final phase of the Bedford Western Bypass at a ceremony on site yesterday, and welcomed the start of construction as 'a big day for Bedford Borough'.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "This is a big day for Bedford Borough, with a completed western bypass now becoming a reality after over fifty years of existing only on national and local plans. We are delighted to have overcome the obstacles which had blocked progress for so long and to have broken the logjam via a Compulsory Purchase Order and extensive, ultimately successful negotiations.'
"In around eighteen months' time, this crucial new road will be open, easing congestion for all road users in and around Bedford, and boosting the local economcy with new opportunities for investment and employment growth."
As the photo shows, Mayor Dave was invited to help break the ground in the digger on site, but as he commented in a caption on his Facebook page: "Here I am being very careful as I am put through my paces on the digger. Rest assured that the professionals have taken over now..."!
You can keep up with Dave on his Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/davethemayor