An Array of Arts, Culture and Events in Bedford this Weekend: 2 - BedPop

Another one-off attraction in town tomorrow is the one-day pop-up shop 'BedPop', which is located in the Tourist Information Centre on St Paul's Square. This is a very special shop indeed, showcasing the work of an array of talented local designers, artists and craftsmen and women who have all produced Bedford-themed products for sale.
One of those products is the Bedford 'Foldees', which are 3D paper models you can make yourself. These have been produced by the extremely talented members of the Circus of Illustration, a local group of professional illustrators who work to promote illustration via exhibitions, events and more. Do have a look at what they are up to on their website, on twitter and on facebook .
They have produced foldees of a range of extremely famous Bedford personalities past and present... and one of me. There is a 'beard on' and 'beard off' version, and it all came about initially thanks to some light-hearted banter between the BedPop shopkeeper Erica Roffe and BBC Three Counties Radio presenter Roberto Perrone. I was on Roberto's show this week to talk about them, and have promised to buy him a full set.