Anti Street Clutter Campaign Gets Off to Flying Start as Over 100 Signs Are Removed

Towards the end of last week I popped along to see for myself the mounting pile of signs which have been removed as a result of our campaign to rid the Borough of useless, unattractive and often hazardous street clutter. We launched the campaign in March because it is clear to everyone walking, cycling or driving around the Borough that our roadsides feature numerous signs that are either out-of-date or simply totally unnecessary. We asked Parish Councils to let us know about examples they are aware of, and issued a call to all residents to identify needless clutter. I have also worked with the local branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Issue, which campaigns on this issue. While I knew there were plenty of examples around the Borough, the results of its first few months have shown just how sorely needed this campaign is, with over 100 signs removed.
Unnecessary street clutter makes it more difficult for pedestrians to negotiate our pavements and to cross the road, while excessive or out-of-date signage is unhelpful and potentially confusing for drivers. The signs removed through the campaign so far include one informing drivers of a 'New Road Layout' which was new over ten years ago, but certainly isn't now!
I'm grateful to all the residents and parish councils who have supported this effort and brought signs and other street clutter to the Council's attention.
The campaign continues Residents who wish to report any unnecessary or unlawful signage road signage or other street furniture please contact the Council on 01234 228661 or email the Highways Helpdesk at