Apply now for secondary school places in 2022!

Is your child due to start Secondary or Upper school next September? You need to apply by 31 October 2021 for the best chance of getting a place at their preferred school.
Bedford Borough Council's online admissions system is open to all parents and carers who live within the Borough and whose children are due to transfer to secondary or upper school in September 2022.
Parents and carers who have a child in year 6 at primary school or year 8 at a middle school will need to transfer their child to a secondary or upper school in September 2022.
The online admission system is available online, and will close for secondary and upper school applications on Sunday 31 October 2021.
Once the deadline passes, any application received will be considered as late, and the chance of gaining a place at a preferred school could be greatly reduced.
For further information go to