Attendance at Warm Spaces passes 2,000

Attendance figures for the Borough's Warm Spaces Network have passed 2,000 as residents continue to suffer from the cost of living crisis. 15 organisations have submitted their attendance figures, therefore the actual number is likely to be much higher with the Council's Warm Spaces Network now having over 30 organisations signed up.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "It is awful that we are in this situation where people can't afford to stay warm. The numbers are heartbreaking, yet they show that this initiative has been needed and provides vital support to residents. I'd like to thank the team for setting the network up so quickly and the huge number of organisations that have come forward to offer their buildings and kindness to our most vulnerable residents."
The Warm Spaces Network forms part of the Council's response to the significant rises in the cost of living for residents. In addition to this, Mayor Dave has given grants to Bedford Foodbank, Citizen's Advice, Age UK and Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity in order to provide residents with much needed support and advice. Most recently, the Council has partnered with Gibbs and Dandy and Bedfordshire Fire Service to offer free LED lightbulbs to vulnerable residents.
Mayor Dave said "I'm pleased we have been able to put in these extra schemes to support people. This comes on top of the support we already offer to residents including up to 100% Council Tax Support, freezing residents' fees and charges and keeping Council Tax down whilst most other councils are raising it by the maximum."