Autumn ‘Coats’ for Borough Play Areas

Play areas across Bedford and Kempston are set to undergo an 'Autumn Clean' as Bedford Borough Council gets its paint brushes ready following a busy summer.
Work will be carried out on 13 play areas, managed by Bedford Borough Council. Funding for the works comes from the Local Authority Parks Improvement Fund which awarded the council just over £25,000 to cover the work. Painting begun with the play area at Mowsbury Park South the first to go under the brush.
Closures will be in place at each play area while the work takes place but signage will redirect anyone visiting during this time to the nearest alternative site.
Mayor Dave Hodgson, said: "Our play areas are always popular and well used but we're still to keen to encourage more residents to make use of our parks and open spaces. This work will make them even more inviting for children and families to enjoy. We will be closing each play area so that the work can be carried out safely, but signage will be in place directing anyone visiting to the nearest alternative."