Average Speed Cameras Introduced on Barkers Lane

Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson's commitment to improving the safety of roads in the borough has continued this month with the installation of average speed cameras along Barkers Lane.
This is the second location in the borough to receive average speed cameras following the installation of cameras on the A6 in Milton Ernest at the end of 2012. Since the cameras were installed here the average speed of vehicles travelling through the village has fallen from 38mph to 28mph and the number of motorists being prosecuted for breaking the speed limit has more than halved since enforcement began.
Cameras have been installed along Barkers Lane and will record the time taken for vehicles to travel along this stretch of road, which will allow an average speed to be calculated. If a vehicles average speed is above the 30mph speed limit then the offence is dealt with by Bedfordshire Police.
The installation of average speed cameras follows Mayor Dave Hodgson's ongoing Speed Limit Review which has also seen speed limits across the borough lowered, especially in rural areas.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson, said: "When I speak to local residents, in both rural and urban areas, speeding is one of the most common causes of complaint and concern. That is why I introduced the Speed Limit Review in 2012 which has led to lower speed limits and increased safety measures in more than 40 locations across the borough.
"Since the average speed cameras were installed in Milton Ernest the average speed of vehicles passing through the village has fallen from a dangerous and illegal 38mph to 28mph and the number of motorists being prosecuted has more than halved since enforcement began in the summer.
"Average speed camera systems will force drivers to slow down and obey the speed limit through this busy, residential area, instead of simply slowing down as they approach a speed camera.
"Average speed cameras will also shortly be installed at Box End in Kempston and along The Embankment as we continue to take real action to make our roads safer for all.
"Fines paid by motorists go directly to the Home Office. Bedford Borough Council does not receive any money from the fines paid by motorists."