Award for Project which Brought Historic Bedford Buildings Back into Use After Nearly 50 Years

The successful project to bring the previously derelict historic buildings at 1-4 St Paul's Square back into use has received a prestigious local heritage award.
The John Gedge Award for contribution to heritage was presented by Sylvia Woods, the president of the Bedford Architectural, Archaeological and Local History Society (BAALHS), to representatives from the project's partner organisation's Bedford Borough Council, Aldwyck Housing Group and V E Parrott (Oakley) Ltd at a short ceremony in the Mayor's Parlour.
The John Gedge Award commemorates Major John Gedge TD, FRIBA (1903-2001), who championed the conservation of architectural heritage in and around Bedford Borough.
The buildings had been unused for almost 45 years, but have been given a new lease of life as much needed town centre affordable housing. The project was achieved with a grant from Bedford High Street's Townscape Heritage Initiative which is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Bedford Borough Council and BedfordBID; the Homes and Communities Agency 'Empty Homes Initiative' funding; Bedford Borough Council's affordable housing budget and Aldwyck Housing Group's own financing.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "Thanks to Bedford Architectural Archaeological and Local History Society (BAALHS) for giving recognition to this crucial project which has both preserved and given new life to these historic properties in the heart of Bedford's town centre.'
"We are delighted to have been part of this project to bring them back into use after they have sat empty and lifeless for so many years. Now lovingly restored and in-keeping with the site's medieval heritage, it's great to see these buildings in use as affordable homes."