Back to school in Bedford Borough

Bedford Borough Council is welcoming the measures put in place in schools across the Borough to enable the safe return of pupils as they start the Autumn term.
With ​Coronavirus still present in the community, schools have introduced measures such classroom bubbles to limit the contact between pupils, staggered arrival and leaving times and additional cleaning regimes to protect staff and pupils.
Ahead of the return the Council has been in touch with Headteachers with the latest national advice on face coverings to support the measures schools are taking to safely reopen.
The Council is supporting schools to take decisions and introduce the measures they need to, to keep pupils and staff safe. These may vary between schools, particularly where the layout of the school or college makes it difficult to maintain social distancing when staff and pupils are moving around the premises.
Where face coverings are worn the Council has issued a reminder that they must be worn correctly, covering both the nose and mouth in order to be effective.