Bedford Borough - a Coronavirus area of concern

The Government has announced that Bedford Borough is a Coronavirus area of concern. Mayor Dave Hodgson is urging residents to continue to follow social distancing advice to avoid a local lockdown - as we have seen in Leicester.
Locally, there has been a rise in the number of cases over the past three weeks with 97 cases recorded since the 13th July and the Borough has now been added to the governments' "areas of concern".
Bedford Borough had previously seen the highest infection rate in the East of England and remains above the regional average. The Council is now publishing weekly data.
The recent Deep Dive report found that there was no singular cause of this high infection rate, so it is vital that everyone continues to play their part to keep themselves and their communities safe. Bedford Borough Council is urging residents help avoid a local lockdown by continuing to keep 2 metres apart from people other than those you live with, avoiding gatherings, wearing a face covering if you can, and washing your hands regularly with soap and water or a hand sanitizer for 20 seconds.
To help identify cases a mobile testing facility is now available 7 days a week at Borough Hall in Bedford for anyone with coronavirus symptoms. These include a new, continuous cough, a temperature or a change or loss of your sense of taste or smell. Anyone with symptoms should only leave their home to get tested. The tests are free and can be booked at or by calling 119.
Partners including Bedford Borough Council, NHS Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Bedfordshire Police have also been working together to get the message out that we all need to play our part to protect each other and reduce the spread of the virus.
Even if you never develop symptoms of coronavirus, you could still be infected and pass the virus on without knowing it.
To avoid a local lockdown we're strongly advising residents to not get complacent and continue to follow social distancing and other advice. If you have any of the symptoms, you must arrange to get a test, free testing is available 7 days a week in Bedford. Protect your friends and families, protect Bedford Borough.
Please help avoid a lockdown in Bedford Borough by:
- Getting tested and self-isolating if you have symptoms. Do not leave your home if you have symptoms (a new, continuous cough, a temperature or a change or loss of your sense of taste or smell.
You must:
- Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds
- Avoid gatherings and going into other people's houses
- Keep 2 metres away from people who are not from your household
- Wear a face covering in busy places, like in shops and on public transport
Anyone with symptoms, including a new persistent cough, high temperature or a change or loss of taste or smell should immediately self-isolate and arrange a test via or by calling 119.
I have recorded a new video, which you can see here.