Bedford Borough Community Hub

Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a video message about the Council's new Community Hub. You can view the message here.
I know many residents are concerned about the Coronavirus outbreak.
The Council is doing its best to ensure we keep providing essential services, particularly to the most vulnerable.
The Government is providing new advice every day and we have also launched a website at to keep residents up to date about the services we provide.
A number of residents are now self-isolating. The Council is setting up a Community Hub to help those in need with tasks like collecting shopping or prescriptions, walking dogs, or even providing someone for a chat - especially for those that live alone.
If you need any help please either call the Community Hub on 01234 718101 or email
Should you be able to offer any help please email
I would also urge you to check on your family, friends and neighbours who may need help at this time.