Bedford Borough Council and Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum creating inclusive play area at Russell Park

Bedford Borough Council have awarded Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum £100,000 through the Mayor's Youth Empowerment Fund, to help build an inclusive and fully accessible outdoor area of play within the existing Russell Park play area.
This new play space will include inclusive equipment that can be used by all users including those who have a special educational need or disability, and their families. This will allow entire families to enjoy Russell Park play area together.
Equipment planned for the play area includes a wheelchair accessible roundabout and trampoline, interactive play panels, play unit and inclusive picnic benches.
The improvements to Russell Park play area will provide additional opportunities for physical activity, socialising with friends, and meeting others for children and young people, including those with special educational needs or disabilities and their family members.
These main works are set to start in Russell Park on Monday 13 June. However, from 27 May, a small area of the playground will need to be closed to enable a bark pit to be removed safely. The majority of the playground will remain open throughout works, as these improvements are focused on only part of the existing play space.
This project is expected to take approximately 8 weeks, and the new play area is expected to be open by the end of July.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "We're really excited for progress to start on the inclusive play area and look forward to seeing it come to life. We want to make sure that everyone who lives in Bedford Borough is able to access high quality parks and open spaces."
Playing in the park and socialising with others is an important part of a child's development, which is why we're so keen to support this project and show our commitment to ensuring that Bedford Borough is an inclusive place to live and play.
Kerri Rennie, Chair of the Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum, said: "Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum is excited to be working with Bedford Borough Council on the Russell Park Playground Refurbishment Project. Our members' feedback highlighted a need for an inclusive playground in the local area to allow families to get out and about in our parks and green spaces, and this project is helping to address that need."