Bedford Borough Council awards Rural Grants

Organisations in Harrold, Riseley and Biddenham have been awarded grants totalling £32,170 as part of Bedford Borough Council's Rural Grant Scheme.
The Rural Grants Scheme supports rural organisations needing funding that will help to deliver projects that benefit the local area. The three groups selected this October are the Harrold Playing Field Association, Riseley Village Hall and Biddenham Parish Council. A total of £32,170 is being awarded between these organisations.
Harrold Playing Field Association are being awarded £10,000 to assist with the cost of improvements to the pavilion. These improvements include replacement and enhancement of the roof, installation of a disabled toilet and improvements to the bar and kitchen area. The funding will allow for essential repairs, improving accessibility at the Pavilion and enhancing the catering facilities.
Riseley Village Hall has been allocated £17,750, which will go towards a single storey extension to the village hall. Once completed the extension will improve opportunities for the hall to be able to hold social events such as theatrical performances, wedding receptions and birthday parties, by providing additional storage space.
Biddenham Parish Council will be awarded £4,420 to assist them with the cost of purchasing a second hand mower to be used by Biddenham Cricket Club. This means that the cricket club can maintain the playing field to the necessary standard for cricket to be played, which enhances the opportunity for local people to take part in sporting and social activities.
Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough, said, "The Rural Grants Scheme is set up to help smaller projects in the Borough that can make a big difference to the communities they support. I'm really please to announce the awards for Harrold Playing Field Association, Riseley Village Hall and Biddenham Parish Council and the benefits these projects will bring."
The next set of applications will be reviewed in April 2021. If you represent a rural organisation and would like more information about the scheme, you can visit the Bedford Borough Council website: