Bedford Borough Council offers grants to local groups to increase vaccine take up

Bedford Borough Council is making funding available to support local groups and organisations to help address Coronavirus vaccine inequalities and to encourage further take-up across all age and ethnic groups, geographical areas and vulnerable groups.
Six grants of up to £5,000 are available to support work that could lead to further vaccine take-up and an increase in vaccination rates across Bedford Borough.
This could include:
- tailored communications such as translation services
- transport
- website modifications
- information sharing events
- community meetings
- befriending services
Coronavirus has not gone away and we continue to see high levels of infection locally. Some people are still at increased risk of serious illness, and vaccination is the single most important thing we can do to keep everyone safe.
The Council are open to any ideas from groups that can help increase vaccination uptake in Bedford Borough and are keen to support initiatives that can be implemented quickly, that focus on areas of deprivation and diverse communities where Coronavirus has had a significant impact.
Deadline for applications is midday, Sunday 5 September 2021. For successful applicants, funding will be awarded at the end of September and must be spent by 31 December 2021.
For more information, or to apply, contact or visit