Bedford Borough Councillors “Give HIV the Finger”

Today is the start of National HIV Testing Week, which runs from 7th to 13th February 2022. To mark the week, Bedford Borough Council is working alongside HIV Prevention England to provide free HIV home sampling kits to local residents.
To encourage people to take up the offer of a free HIV test, some of Bedford Borough Council's elected members have been stepping up to take an HIV test and break the stigma around getting tested.
Testing for HIV is quick, easy and free. Early diagnosis means someone living with HIV can start treatment quickly, which helps to reduce the chances of poorer long-term health outcomes.
Recent data shows that Bedford Borough has seen a large decrease in the number of people diagnosed late with HIV. In an effort to continue this encouraging trend, HIV testing remains a priority in the Borough, particularly in groups at increased risk of HIV.
Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough, said "Testing for HIV is incredibly important. It's estimated that 1 in 20 people with HIV are unaware that they have it, which could be solved by taking a quick and simple test that could save your life. With current treatments, your life expectancy doesn't have to be impacted by an HIV diagnosis and you can even reduce your viral load to the point where you aren't able to pass it on. There are a range of sexual health services available across Bedford Borough that provide free, non-judgemental and confidential HIV testing. You can find a clinic near you by visiting
You can order a free confidential home sampling kit from