Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats Call for Openness and Transparency over Vaccine Rollout Progress

Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have told health bosses that data on the progress of the vaccination rollout must not be kept a secret from local residents.
At a meeting of the Council's Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee earlier this week, Liberal Democrat Newnham Ward Cllr Hilde Hendrickx said it was 'unnacceptable' that the Clinical Commissioning Group will not share information on the progress of the vaccination programme locally
Cllr Hendrickx added: "It would really be helpful if we could share at least a basic level of data, if we could be open when we communicate both in terms of what's happening and what the challenges are.
"This lack of openness and transparency really causes confusion, anxiety and it erodes trust."
She added: "If we understand what's happening we can really get behind this because we all want this programme to succeed."
Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes CCG represenstatives were also challenged at the meeting by Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Cllr Dean Crofts over a number of issues, including the later start of the vaccination programme in Bedford Borough, vaccine supply and the clarity and effectiveness of communications.
You can watch a recording of the full meeting on YouTube, here.