Bedford Borough's Summer of SEND

Bedford Borough will this year bring you a Summer of SEND.
In 2019 Bedford Borough Council, The Parent Carer Forum and BLMK CCG launched the SEND services website with Local Offer Live. The event included workshops, panel discussions, 'speed dating' style sessions with services, performances from local theatrical groups and even a magician. The innovative event was designed specifically for children and young people with special educational needs and their parents / carers.
2020 was expected to build on this success and be even bigger, but unfortunately, the global pandemic put plans on hold.
For 2021, organisers have been hard at work, looking at the best way to engage with as many children, young people, parents and carers as possible in Bedford Borough.
The Summer of SEND will have a host of events, webinars, activities, training and much much more. Watch this space for announcements as we get closer to Summer.
Bedford Borough Council is committed to providing high quality services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and working closely with our partners, we are looking to put on a fantastic engaging summer of events and activities.
If you have any topic ideas or would like to put on an event and be part of Bedford Borough's Summer of SEND, please get in touch