Bedford Borough says NO to the incinerator

Do you think our area should become the dumping ground for waste sent by Buckinghamshire?
I don't think so.
Like many local people, I was shocked to hear about the plan for a new mega waste incinerator at Rookery Pit near Stewartby. The news comes just as we had successfully fought off Beds County Council plans for a smaller incinerator at the same site.
Conservative run Buckinghamshire County Council want to build an incinerator to burn an incredible 600,000 tonnes of rubbish in our area each year. Household waste from Buckinghamshire will comprise less than a quarter of the rubbish burnt on the site at Rookery Pit, with waste likely to be imported into the area from a range of locations.
Just think, 600,000 tonnes of rubbish transported along our already congested roads in big lorries. 600,000 tonnes of rubbish burnt rather than being recycled.
Although Rookery Pit is not in the Borough, the access road starts in the Borough so the impact on transport and on pollution will be felt here. This scheme is bad for the environment, bad for our roads and bad for Bedford Borough. That's why I need your help to stop it.
I have launched a campaign to stop the incinerator that I hope everyone who lives in Bedford Borough will support. We are calling on the Conservative Leaders of Buckinghamshire Council to think again and drop their plans to burn rubbish in Bedfordshire.
Thanks and best wishes,
Dave Hodgson
PS - Please remember - every extra signature will help our campaign. With a huge display of public support, we can stop these plans.