Bedford Hospital - Public Protest Against Appalling Loss of Children's Services Tomorrow at 1pm

Tomorrow at 1pm I will be joining hundreds of parents, children and large numbers of members of our community at large to make clear at a public demonstration that we simply cannot do without essential children's hospital services here in Bedford. The demonstration has been organised by the Save Our Riverbank Ward Group on Facebook, which now has well over 6,000 members. Please have a look there for the very latest on the arrangements for the protest, which will be a powerful expression of the disgust felt by so many that these services should have been allowed to be lost from our local hospital, and of the urgent need for them to return in full as soon as possible.
If you are interested in coming along, do check out the Facebook group for details. There you will also find messages of support for the group in their hundreds, and an overwhelming sense of the importance of winning the fight to bring essential services back on behalf of current and future generations of children in our community.