Bedford i-Kan Celebrates 10th Birthday

Bedford i-Kan, a destination of choice for entrepreneurs and businesses in Bedford, celebrated its 10 year birthday this September. The centre was a pioneering project by Bedford Borough Council to provide flexible and affordable office accommodation tailored towards business start-ups and small businesses.
Located in the heart of Bedford's town centre, i-Kan has served as a base for those looking to grow their businesses and ideas. With spaces for 1-2 people, and large enough for a team of 5 people, as well as Hot Desking and Virtual Tenancies, Bedford i-Kan has a tremendous commercial presence in a fantastic central location. Since 2008, the centre has been home to over 240 businesses from start-ups to evolving businesses.
Since opening its doors, the centre has supported a range of businesses from ICT, media, business and financial services. Many have gone onto bigger and better things and becoming an integral part of Bedford Borough's business community.
To celebrate their many achievements over the decade, the i-Kan held an event for staff and tenants on last week. Mayor Dave Hodgson gave a short speech congratulating present and past members of the team for making it a success so far, and thanking tenants and all users of the facility over the years for their support.
Commenting after the event, Mayor Dave said: "Bedford i-Kan is a crucial incubator of business and entrepreneurship in Bedford Borough. Over the years, we have seen many i-Kan tenants grow and achieve great success thanks to the help they have received here in an ideal environment for smaller businesses. I would like to thank all staff and tenants, old and new, for their part in shaping what has been a real business success story for Bedford Borough over the last ten years."
i-Kan tenant Freestyle Internet Services said 'The i-Kan and i-Brand overall are an excellent service and have provided my business with a great location and set-up, good communications, professional space and flexibility to grow'.