Bedford Kite and Motoring Festival will return in 2021

Bedford Kite and Motoring Festival will return to Russell Park and the Embankment on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 June 2021.
The 2020 Kite and Motoring Festival was postponed earlier this year due to the coronavirus outbreak, and the Council and its partners had initially hoped to bring the Festival back later this year.
With ongoing guidance against mass gatherings for public safety, together with partners in this event such as the kite flyers, car enthusiasts, and other entertainments at the Festival, and to provide certainty for the public it has been decided that the next Kite and Motoring Festival will be in June 2021.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "It is disappointing that we aren't able to deliver this event this year but we feel this is the right decision in these unprecedented circumstances. Hopefully, the country will be in a position for the Kite and Motoring Festival to happen next June. Thank you to everyone for their work so far on the event and along with the Bedford River Festival, we are hoping to bring all of our planned activities, displays and events back to Russell Park and the Embankment next year. I am pleased that we have set a date for next year's Kite and Motoring Festival- 12 and 13 June 2021- bringing this fantastic, free, local community event back to our town."