Bedford Memory Walk 2012

As what passed for 'summer' this year clings on for a few final days of dry, warmish weather, I was delighted for all involved with the excellent Bedford Memory Walk at Bedford's Priory Country Park on Sunday that conditions were fair. This is not just because I was taking part (although it was most welcome!), but because it helped a great local charity event in aid of the Alzheimer's Society to be an even greater success than it otherwise might have been.
As well as taking part in the walk myself, I was asked to say a few words to open the event, which was the first Memory Walk in Bedfordshire since 2009. I obviously welcomed the return of an event which raises a lot of money for the excellent work of the Alzheimer's Society locally. There are Memory Walks happening across the UK in September, with those taking part on Sunday joining around 20,000 walkers nationwide raising awareness of dementia and hoping to raise £1 million overall.
The funds raised will go directly to supporting a range of activities and services in Bedfordshire to help people and their families live well with dementia. These include such things as Music for Memory Groups, Carers Support Groups, Home Support Services and Training Courses, all of which help make a real positive difference