Bedford Planning services making excellent progress!

A performance update has reported that Bedford Borough Council's Planning Service has exceeded national targets for determining both major and minor applications within time. For major applications, the 60% target for determining applications within 13 weeks was exceeded comfortably last year with a performance achievement of 83%. The target of determining 70% of minor applications within 8 weeks has also been achieved, with the Planning Service hitting 77% this year to date - enabling the service to improve further in reducing caseload and driving forward improvements.
Portfolio Holder for Planning, Councillor Henry Vann said "This report highlights the excellent progress the Planning Service has made recently. Through effective investment from this Council we have been able to recruit and retain a very talented team of officers. This has led to fantastic progress working through the backlog of cases and we are now consistently meeting and exceeding performance targets.
"The revised Scheme of Delegation has protected residents' and councillors' rights whilst also reducing the unnecessary load on the Planning Committee so that they can spend more time on the really critical applications and supporting greater efficiency in decision-making. And as the Planning Advisory Service found, Bedford is a brilliant place to be a planner and we would encourage people to come and work in Bedford Borough, with the full range and diversity of development management and enforcement taking place."
The Council are investing £311,000 into planning to ensure the progress continues and the Planning Service remains effective. The report also highlights the future vision of the service which will focus on delivering a good, transparent and fair planning service to residents and applicants.