Bedford's Polish Club: Club Founded by Heroes Marks its 70th Birthday
Bedford's Polish Club, or Klub Polski, on Alexandra Road celebrated its 70th Anniversary last week at a special event which recognised the rich contribution of the club across its history to community life. Mayor Dave Hodgson gave a speech at the event which highlighted the club's origins, having been founded by men who had served with the Allied Forces in World War II and who settled in Bedford as they were unable to return home to Poland due to Soviet occupation. The original members included, amongst others, veterans of II Corps of the Polish Army and also members of 303 Squadron, which had a major involvement in the Battle of Britain.
The members of the Club first began meeting in 1945 at a bar in 33 Alexandra Road Bedford. The members had moved to the Bedford area at the end of World War II to find work, for example in the nearby brickworks or on the land. In or about 1947, the members purchased the property to formalise the Club and provide support to members of the Polish community in the area. This support included assistance in finding work, and a place to socialise with other members of the Polish community dispossessed by the war.
The Club grew in size and over the years with the support of its members has provided assistance with education and also for a period an onsite shop which sold items imported from Poland enabling members of the local community to enjoy those all-important comforts of home.
The celebrations to mark the special occasion for the club included an official ceremony followed by an afternoon of entertainment, music and food.
Amongst the speakers on the day was 96 year-old Tomasz Marszalek, pictured here with Mayor Dave, who spoke about his experience of the club over many years. Mr Marszalek was forcibly conscripted into the Russian Army in autumn 1940, but was finally successful in his attempts to be transferred to the Polish Army, in which he served under British command. During his service with the Polish forces, he served with the original founder of the Polish Club, Edward Zawadzski.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "Bedford's Polish Club was quite litertally founded by heroes following the Second World War. Now, seventy years on, the Club and its services have adapted and developed alongside the Polish community. It can look back at a distinguished history as a vital community hub, which it remains to this day."