Bedford Town Centre Comes to Standstill for Armistice Day Commemoration

A busy and bustling Bedford Town Centre on market day fell silent earlier today as tribute was paid to members of the armed forces who have lost their lives in service. The Royal British Legion's Armistice Day Commemmoration once again took place on 'Boots Corner' near the junction Midland Road and Harpur Suite, and hundreds of people gathered for a poignant service and an immaculately observed two minutes' silence.
A short commemoration took place at the memorial which is contained within the Mayor's Parlour, after which Mayor Dave Hodgson followed the Standard Bearers and other veterans for the service at Boots Corner.
Commenting on his Facebook page this afternoon, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "We will remember them: It was good to see such large numbers in attendance at what was a very moving Royal British Legion Armistice Day Commemoration in Bedford Town Centre earlier today."