Bedford Town Deal Board Holds Inaugural Meeting

Bedford's Town Deal Board met for its inaugural meeting on Monday to agree its terms of reference, look at bidding for Town Deals money and receive the Capacity Funding Report.
Bedford Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Towns Centres Councillor Henry Vann commented: "Bedford is an exciting, vibrant town with a unique offer, and it was wonderful to attend the inaugural meeting of the Bedford Town Deal Board with so many local organisations, educational bodies and representatives from business and industry.'
"Already there are exciting ideas being considered and - whilst there is a national crisis affecting towns across the whole country and local authority budgets have been cut by multiples of this latest offer - it is welcome that the Government are putting some funding towards our towns.'
"We, our partners, and I know local residents, are working hard to help as we put together an exciting bid for the funding Bedford needs and deserves."
The Bedford Town Deal Board is a partnership body which will produce a Town Investment Plan which will form the basis of negotiation with government over a Town Deal and the amount of funding available.
The inaugural meeting's agenda and reports are available at; they include the board's draft Terms of Reference at Item 6 which feature a list of board members and a map illustrating the area covered by the Bedford Town Deal.