Brand New Café Coming to Mowsbury Park- Opens This Saturday!

Mowsbury Park in Bedford is set to become an even more attractive location, with the Council's café building being brought back into use twenty years on from when it was last open to the public.
Four Seasons Café, in Mowsbury Park, will open its doors for the first time at 11am, on 23rd August, with a fun day and mini charity fete. Its opening is another key step in the Council's work to bring public facilities into public use and make its award winning parks even more enjoyable for those who use them.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson said: "The new café will only make the popular Mowsbury Park even more attractive to visitors. We continue to work to enhance our award-winning parks and open spaces, and we're delighted that the Four Seasons Café will be open all year round, benefitting users of Mowsbury Park and bringing the facility back into public use.
The opening day will host a mini charity fete raising money for the Dog's Trust. As well as the usual Café offering, there will also be balloon making, craft stalls, face painting and more family fun that is ideal for a Bank Holiday weekend.
The new facility sees Mowsbury Park joining other Council-run parks in boasting a new café or concession for park users to enjoy, with Russell Park, Bedford Park and Priory Country Park all having been enhanced in this way in recent times.
If you would like any further information about the Four Seasons Café, email Nicola Jackson, Owner of Four Seasons Café here or follow the café on twitter @F0urSeasonsCafe or visit