Bus Lane Trial - Lanes Opened Up to Cycles, Motorbikes and Taxis

This week saw the launch of the Council's eighteen-month trial of an extension of bus lane use in Bedford to taxis, motorbikes and bicycles. I am very keen to pursue anything which encourages more sustainable forms of transport and helps tackle congestion, and we gave this initiative serious consideration before launching the trial. We will monitor it closely in terms of safety and the impact on traffic levels and congestion. Results from trials elsewhere have been positive, so I am hopeful that that we will find that it is beneficial to air quality and helps cyclists and motorcyclists get around smoothly and safely.
Paddy Tyson, Campaigns Co-Coordinator from the Motorcycle Action Group came along to help publicise the launch, and it was interesting to talk to him in some detail about experiences elsewhere. I'll keep www.mayordave.org.uk up-to-date with news from the trial.