Bus Station Area Regeneration to Include New Surface Car Park

I am pleased to be able to confirm that as part of our regeneration of the bus station area in Bedford Town Centre, we will construct a brand new surface car park to serve the town. The car park, which will be located on the site of the former Gwyn and Patteshull Court blocks of flats, will be constructed next year.
Site investigations and initial design work are already underway, and we're hoping to start construction by late spring. As I have reported on here previously, we have put together a £6.2 million fund for improvements for the bus station area, which will allow us to achieve real regeneration here after decades of delays and dashed hopes.
Other features of the regeneration scheme will include a new bus station building, a refurbished multi-storey car park and public toilets and other improvements.
The Riverside North development will bring major benefits with the new cinema and riverside restaurants, but I know people have been concerned by the prospect of losing surface parking. So, I'm glad we're able to include brand new surface parking as part of this project. At around 120-130 spaces, it will have a similar capacity to the current Riverside surface car park.
The bus station has been in need of regeneration for decades, and we're determined to defy the challenging economic climate and improve our town centre for everyone. This project, along with others including Riverside North and the redeveloped Higgins Bedford Art Gallery and Museum, will achieve a great deal towards that end.