Call for Everyone to Play Their Part in Keeping Children Safe From Harm Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

With some children potentially at increased risk of abuse and neglect during the coronavirus pandemic, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have encouraged anyone who is concerned about a child's wellbeing to report it. The call follows last night's meeting of Bedford Borough Council's Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which heard that with many children not going to school and seeing trusted adults currently a significant rise in referrals to children's social care is expected at the beginning of the next school term in September.
Bedford Borough Council and partner agencies have appealed for members of the community at large to be vigilant on behalf of children who may be at risk during coronavirus, with a range of ways in which people can report any concerns easily. At last night's meeting, the committee was told that the Council is receiving a high level of contacts regarding safeguarding concerns, even with only twenty per cent of children in school. The Children's Social Care service also reports that the complexity of cases has increased due to the unprecedented current circumstances.
Commenting, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats Children's Services Committee Spokesperson Cllr Hilde Hendrickx said: "We heard a lot of very encouraging information about how services have adapted to support and protect children during these extraordinary times. Children's Services officers have worked incredibly hard on behalf of vulnerable children and families locally."
"However, there are clearly increased risks due to the unprecedented current circumstances. Many children have not been at school or seen trusted adults, and even though they are already at a high level a rise in referrals to children's social care is expected in September. It is absolutely crucial that anyone who is concerned about a child's wellbeing reports it. I encourage everyone to please act on any concern you might have - you could save a life."
Anyone concerned about the welfare of a child can ring Bedford Borough Integrated Front Door (previously MASH) on 01234 718700 (office hours) or 0300 300 8123 (out of hours) while in an emergency the police should be called on 999. Information about what to do for people who are worried about a child is available on Bedford Borough Council's website at
A video recording of the Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting can be viewed at