Can the Cold Relief in Bedford appeal reach £20,000 before Christmas?
When the team at local charity, SMART, launched their Cold Relief in Bedford (CRIB) appeal back in November, they had their hearts set on trying to raise £20,000 (50% of the CRIB target) before Christmas. Thanks to the incredible support from Bedfordians, they've nearly done it! That's over £18,000 raised in under six weeks - isn't that wonderful?
SMART's CEO Anita McCallum said "I am delighted that the CRIB appeal is going so well. I'm really touched by the kindness and generosity shown by the people in the community. The donations keep on coming in, which is fantastic, but we have some way to go, yet. I remain hopeful that we will manage to reach our target of £40,000 to help cover our costs, and help people stay warm and cared for. CRIB has become THE landmark appeal for giving in Bedford during the coldest months of the year. The coldest months, January and February are yet to come!. We are asking our supporters to think of our beneficiaries, and to share what money, they can afford with people who are already struggling in the current climate. We acknowledge that everyone is having to dig deep this year and times are tough for most people."
SMART report seeing 50 people a day who come to the centre for food, warmth, clean clothes, showers and support and advice with housing. Mrs McCallum continues "As you can imagine, if you are homeless or facing becoming homeless, this is extremely stressful and many of the people we support are struggling with their mental health and in some cases are using alcohol and drugs to help deal with their situation."
John, a previous beneficiary of SMART said "to be honest, if it wasn't for the hot meals and mental health advice provided by SMART, I wouldn't have had a anything decent to eat for months. I don't know where I would be, now"
Visitors to the centre are from all walks of life, some are homeless, others still have a roof or a bed at someone else's home, some are working, and others are just struggling to afford their heating and to put food on the table. The SMART Prebend Centre on Prebend Street must remain open.
Please donate £22 to provide someone with a hot Christmas dinner and a present to open on Christmas Day