Carers Week 7 – 14 June 2021

Bedford Borough Council is supporting local charity Carers in Bedfordshire in highlighting the valuable work of carers this Carers Week (7-14 June 2021), which is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the work of carers and their valuable contribution to society. The theme for this year's Carers Week, 'Making Carers Visible and Valued'.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for their friend or family member who due to illness, disability, and mental health problems or an addiction, cannot cope without their support, or need extra help as they grow older. A carer is also a parent looking after a child with special educational needs.
Cllr Wendy Rider, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services said "There are thousands of carers in Bedford Borough, quietly providing unpaid care and support to their family members or friends. Many offer a lifeline for the people they are looking after, but they don't get the support and recognition they deserve. I want the carers out there in the community to know that there is a wealth of support out there for them within Bedford Borough, not least from local charity Carers in Bedfordshire (whose work as a council we support). I would encourage anyone to get in touch with them today to see what they can offer."
This week, Carers in Bedfordshire will be bringing Carers Week to life by running a series of events and activities, including:
- A professionals' conference, on 10 and 11 June, for organisations to help identify and support carers they are in contact with or who may be colleagues.
- Carers of all ages have been invited to enter a photography competition with an image to represent 'My Caring Role.' Photos of the entries will be shared throughout the week across social media and the charity's website. Keens Shay Keens Ltd Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers (KSK), based in Bedford, have sponsored the competition and is supplying the prizes.
- The charity is sending a well-deserved bunch of Bloom & Wild flowers to 10 carers nominated by family and friends, for the valuable role they carry out. Emmott Snell Solicitors, also based in Bedford, is sponsoring the flowers.
- A Neon Run has been organised where carers can run any distance in their brightest clothes to 'make caring visible' during Carers Week and help raise valuable funds.
- Walks for carers will take place in Bedford Park on 10 June.
- There are many events for carers on Zoom from sharing tours of their gardens, to a cupcake competition. A reminiscence session called School Days, to joining East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) for support for carers looking after those with a mental health condition.
For further information about Carers Week, or to sign up for support, visit and follow hashtag #CarersWeek on social media.