Catch it While You Can - Town Hall Office Block Disappearing Fast!

If you have been down by the river in Bedford town centre recently, you will know that the town hall office block building is disappearing fast! In order to enable local residents to keep tabs on this major step for Bedford Town Centre, images from a live webcam have been made available to all by Bedford Borough Council.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The demolition of the town hall office block and its replacement with a new riverside public square is a major development for the town centre. We want everyone to have the chance to see this major change for their town centre happening for themselves. That's why we've made these live images available for all to see online.'
"This is the first step in a riverside regeneration scheme which will bring millions of pounds of investment and new jobs to Bedford, as well as giving people more reasons to come and enjoy the town centre. These include the return of town centre cinema, new riverside restaurants and more, in addition to the new public space."
The live pictures are available via this link
The building has been vacated by Bedford Borough Council as part of an accommodation strategy under Mayor Dave Hodgson which is saving huge amounts of money for local taxpayers by consolidating staff on fewer sites. It is making way for a large riverside public square, onto which will land a brand new footbridge over the river from St Mary's Gardens.
It is the first step in the major regeneration scheme for this riverside area, which will also include new riverside restaurants, the return of town centre cinema to Bedford and more public space by the river across the two new public squares.
Later this year, the pictures taken from the live camera will be used to create time lapse sequences, showing the progress made.