Catching the Family History Bug in Borough Libraries!

The family history information and taster session I attended at Bedford Central Library on Saturday really has whetted my appetite to find out more. Amongst the wide range of things I discovered in the short session I enjoyed are that a Great Grandmother was in the workhouse, while a Great Great Grandfather was a station master in Scotland. I also discovered previously unknown links to various parts of the country, including the West Midlands.
I was surprised by the amount of information and resources that are available, and would strongly recommend that people make the most of their local library and make it their first port of call for any family history projects. If you really want to discover as much as possible about your past, courses are taking place over the next few weeks at Wootton, Kempston and Bedford Central Library. The course costs £35, and is being run by Family History Detectives. Sessions begin tomorrow, Wednesday 8th February, and then take place every Wednesday at these times:
Wootton Library (01234 766061) 10am to 11.30am
Bedford Central Library (01234 718178) 12.30pm to 2.00pm
Kempston Library (01234 276453) 3.00pm to 4.30pm
There's more information on the Borough Council's website, here: