Celebrate Black History Month Locally

October is Black History Month, and once again the Higgins Bedford is hosting several events and activities, while there's a range of events taking place at The Place Theatre.
You can read more about the live shows, art exhibtion and film showings taking place at The Place on its Facebook page here.
Meanwhile at the Higgins Bedford, on Sunday 13th October a Panel Discussion with Michelle Balach-Ali entitled Mixed Race People are 'Cultural Negotiators' is taking place. This free event takes place from 2:30pm to 4pm, and booking is essential.
There's also free entry to the 'Music Matters' Event on African and Caribbean Heritage Day on Saturday 26th October, featuring the music that has inspired Bedford's African and Caribbean community. The programme will include performances by local artists and topical talks and discussions on the history of different musical styles, along with musical workshops (prices vary) and stalls for browsing.
Finally, looking beyond October, on Saturday 9th November, Professor Lucy Bland of Anglia Ruskin University will explore the history of wartime children born to black GIs and British women.
You can find more details of these events, including how to book, on the Higgins Bedford website here: http://www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk/whats_on/whats_on/black_history_events.aspx