Changes at top of HEART Multi-Academy Trust Indicative of 'Severe Problems' with its Now-Halted Restructuring Process

Following the resignation of HEART Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Chief Executive Clare Smith, Mayor Dave Hodgson has said that the changes at the top of the organisation are indicative of the severe problems both with their now-halted proposals for Cauldwell, Shackleton and Shortstown Primary Schools and with the way HEART sought to impose them.
Commenting on his Facebook page, Mayor Dave said: "The HEART Multi Academy Trust was forced to halt their alarming proposals for Cauldwell, Shackleton and Shortstown Primary schools, and this further change at the top is more recognition that there were severe problems not only with the proposals themselves, but also the way they sought to ram them through.'
"The overwhelming response from parents and work behind the scenes by the Council and others has forced the plans to be halted, and I want to pay tribute to the parent campaigners again for the way they have conducted their efforts in support of their children's education.'
"We look forward to working with new leadership at HEART. We hope that it will take account of the communities that the schools serve, understanding their separate and unique character, composition and history, and ultimately acting in the children's best interests at all times."