Check Out Fiver Fest in Bedford Town Centre!

Thanks to the Town Centre Champions community group and 77 independent businesses who have signed up to take part, Bedford's first Fiver Fest is under way and runs through until Saturday 15th June.
Fiver Fest is a celebration of small businesses and shops, with local traders putting on special £5 offers over 1 week to help promote and showcase the range and quality of retailers and attractions in the town centre, and to thank those who support them. It is running for a week, having kicked off on Saturday 8th June.
You can find out more about the initiative on the website, where there is also a full list of participating businesses and their Fiver Fest offers.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "A big thanks to the Town Centre Champions volunteers and to all of the businesses taking part in this initiative. There are a huge range of offers to enjoy, so do have a look and support local independent traders, this week and throughout the year."