Climate change, rural areas, and housing on the list for deprioritisation by new Mayor as Lib Dems call for committees to be protected
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have called on the Conservative Mayor to keep the Climate Change, Housing and Rural Affairs Committees of the Executive introduced by former Mayor Dave Hodgson. The committees ensure that these important issues are kept at the forefront of public discussion. However, the future of these committees is now under threat, following the announcement that the Mayor is reviewing whether to continue with them or not.
Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Henry Vann said "These committees were introduced by Dave Hodgson years ago because he believed that the issues were incredibly important. And they are. The Mayor must not put the focus on climate change, housing and our rural areas at risk. Since they were created, the committees have provided regular updates on the progress of key schemes, brought new issues to light and created a space for future policy development."
The Climate Change Committee has overseen the progress of the successful Bugs and Bees Project, evaluated the Council's progress towards its net zero goals and reviewed the Tree Planting Programme each year. During Housing Committee, members have been given updates on the Borough's action on homelessness and rough sleeping, as well as how refugees have been resettled in Bedford Borough. The Rural Affairs Committee has considered grant requests from rural organisations, analysed the rural healthcare provision and received updates on important schemes like the rural bulky waste service.
Cllr Vann continued "I urge the Mayor to continue with these committees and continue the Council's commitment to improving housing, tackling climate change and supporting the rural areas of the Borough."