Confusion as councillor asks “Where’s the evidence?” and then provides evidence

At last night's meeting of Full Council, there was confusion after a Green Party Councillor asked Councillor Charles Royden about whether there was evidence that the PSPO cycling ban actually worked in keeping pedestrians safe and then continued by providing the exact evidence he had asked for.
A Green Party Councillor asked "What evidence is there that … having the ban actually makes a difference[?]". The councillor then went on to say "So the evidence, the evidence which I asked for, in the years 2016 to 2020 there were precisely zero crashes recorded with pedestrians being hit by cyclists in the area of the ban, precisely zero." There was confusion in the Council Chamber as the councillor appeared to answer his own question by highlighting how effective the PSPO has been since it was first introduced in 2016. This order only allowed cycling in Bedford Town Centre pedestrianised zones before 9am and after 6pm to prevent accidents and keep pedestrians safe.
Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport Councillor Charles Royden said "I think cycling on pavements is a real hazard, that's why it's unlawful in Highways Act, and I think that's why it's important that we've got a Traffic Regulation Order in the town centre."
The PSPO actually loosens this law to allow cycling at certain times when fewer pedestrians are shopping and accidents are less likely to happy. Councillor Royden continued by highlighting how businesses had approached him asking for help as shoppers were terrified by cyclists flying past. In fact, in the recent consultation 75% of businesses supported to continue the restrictions to cycling.
Councillor Royden highlighted the £6 million investment the Council has put into cycling, including many cycle lanes and a new smart bike shelter in the town centre. Councillor Royden was fed up with the Green Party's continuous dismissal of the good work the Council are doing for cyclists. He said "If you keep hammering the hard work of our cycling team in this Council they will lose the enthusiasm they have, and that's something that you should be really wary of.
"You should be encouraging people to take up cycling in this town, you should be encouraging them to take advantage of all the provisions that we've made for them, instead of harping on in this manner. I think it's shameful."