Consultation on A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet

Highways England are carrying out a public consultation on plans to improve travel between Milton Keynes and Cambridge, proposing a new 10 mile dual carriageway between the Black Cat and Caxton Gibbet roundabouts.
Eight consultation events will be taking place at local venues across the area, a mobile visitor centre will visit popular locations and pop up events will be held in Milton Keynes and Bedford shopping centres. Click here to view a full list of events.
You can respond to the consultation by visiting the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet webpage.
Copies of the consultation booklet and response forms are available at the Borough Hall reception, or via Melanie Macleod, Manager for Transport Policy and Coordination (ext. 42607), who can also share plans for the scheme.
The consultation documents are also available at local council offices and libraries.
The consultation will run until Sunday 28 July 2019.