Consultation Open on Proposed Modifications to Local Plan 2030

Bedford Borough Council is consulting on proposed modifications to the Local Plan 2030.
The Council's Local Plan 2030 has been progressing, with hearings held by the Planning Inspectorate in May and June 2019.
Following these hearings, the Council was invited by the Inspectorate to submit a number of modifications to the Plan. These include 'main modifications' which are required for the Plan to be taken forward and considered 'sound'.
The list of proposed modifications can be found at along with a representation form for responses. A version of the Local Plan 2030 showing the proposed main modifications is also available so that proposed changes can be seen in context. Proposed 'main modifications' are shown in red text. Green text shows proposed 'additional modifications' which are minor changes to make the Plan clearer and easier to understand.
All responses to the consultation will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate. This marks one of the final stages of the Examination of the Local Plan 2030, which ends with the Planning Inspectorate's report to Council, which will set out any further modifications that the Plan requires. The Council will then have the option to adopt the Local Plan 2030.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "This next consultation marks another step forward for the Local Plan 2030. This Plan sets out proposals for growth and development across our Borough, with allocations for homes, jobs, and facilities including schools, transport and shops. This follows a number of consultations and hearings which have seen local people really get involved and have their say."
Unlike previous consultations on the Local Plan, which have seen comments and representations on the Plan as a whole, this consultation will focus solely on the proposed 'modifications'.
There may be a further hearing session in October regarding one particular modification, MM26 the addition of a new site at Land north of Beverley Crescent, Bedford. Provisionally this has been booked for 22nd October, 9.30am at Borough Hall; anyone who makes a representation to the modification and wishes to participate in this is asked to contact the Programme Officer, Louise St John Howe by 5pm on 1st October (PO Box 10965, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 3BF.Phone: 07789-486419 Email:
To view and respond to the consultation visit
Hard copies can also be found at borough libraries and the Customer Service Centre (Horne Lane, Bedford). The consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 1 October.