COP26 - Day 8: Key funding for adaptation policy

On Adaption, Loss and Damage Day at COP26, global leaders committed significant investment towards adaption for those areas that are already being impacted by climate change.
The changes brought about by climate change, such as more extreme weather events and rising sea levels, mean communities need to adapt. Adapting is best with local input. The planning and the changes required cost money so today over $450m was mobilised for those initiatives helping locally-led approaches. There has also been a $232 million global commitment to the Adaptation Fund, the highest single mobilisation to the Fund and more than double the previous highest collective mobilisation.
Commenting on the announcements from today, Liberal Democrat Group Leader Councillor Christine McHugh said "Because action to tackle climate change has been slow in the past, we need to do even more to adapt. The poorest and most vulnerable worldwide are those who have been most affected by the extreme weather events in the last couple of years. For our action on climate change to be fair and just, it is essential funding be provided. And these promises made at COP26 must translate into real action following the conference to have a chance of limiting the rise in global temperature to no more than 1.5C."