Coronavirus Survey

The Final Report of the Deep Dive into Bedford Borough's high Coronavirus infection rate has been delayed until next week. This is to ensure all the data has been analysed and the report will be as up-to-date as possible.
The good news is our rate, in Bedford Borough, is now lower than it was a few weeks ago and the Council are looking at bringing back a range of services when it is safe to do so. This week the Council reopened a small number of play parks and hope to reopen the others when possible, and you can read more about this here.
Mayor Dave Hodgson and Bedford Liberal Democrats have launched an online survey to look at how the Council, the NHS, carers and the Government have dealt with the Coronavirus pandemic so far. Please do fill in the survey at
The survey also looks at how we can better fund the NHS, how we can tackle future pandemics and the impact Coronavirus has had on local shops and businesses and how we can 'build back better'. The Survey also asks about about the Community Hub and volunteering as well as our parks and green spaces. Please do complete the survey here.
The local Liberal Democrats have recorded a short video thanking everyone for following the guidance, supporting each other and keeping the borough going during the coronavirus crisis. You can view the video here.