Coronavirus Testing in Bedford Borough

There have been reports of residents being unable to access Coronavirus tests locally this appears to be partly due to capacity issues in the laboratories that the government uses to process the result and limits being placed on testing facilities.
New testing slots are added hourly, so please keep checking, and self-isolate while you do so. The Government has advised that additional laboratory capacity is being added, but in the meantime, areas of the country where there are significant outbreaks are being prioritised.
Tests can be arranged by visiting or by calling 119. In recent days, this service has been busy at times, and some people have had problems booking a test due to capacity issues. If you don't have COVID symptoms, please do not book yourself a test. Doing so only makes it harder for people with symptoms to get the test they need.
Bedford Borough Council is continuing to urge residents to keep taking precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 following an increase in local cases. Please follow the hands, face, space advice and if you have any of the symptoms including a new persistent cough, high temperature or loss of smell or taste to self-isolate and get tested.
People are also required to stay at home if anyone in their household has COVID symptoms, or if they have been told they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive. Anyone living with someone with suspected COVID must not leave the home for any reason for 14 days from the time that their family member or housemate started showing signs of the virus.