Coronavirus testing shambles

Mayor Dave Hodgson, in his weekly email, has highlighted the shambles surrounding the lack of Coronavirus tests available. Mayor Dave also commented on the proposed Coronavirus Marshalls.
The text of the email is below. If you would like to sign up to Mayor Dave's regular email, you can sign-up here.
Coronavirus testing shambles
The last week or so has seen the Government fail to ensure there are enough tests available, both here in Bedford Borough and across the country. This severely impacts on 'Track and Trace' and this is all at the same time we are seeing an increase in cases.
We are told that this is partly due to capacity issues in laboratories that the Government uses to process the results and limits being placed on testing facilities. This has led to confusion locally where residents have not been able to book tests, offered tests miles away or turned away from the walk-in test centre as they have been over capacity.
The number of cases in Bedford Borough have again increased with 37 cases in the seven days up to 13th September. Sadly between 22nd August and 4th September we have also had 4 Coronavirus related deaths in Bedford Borough - this pandemic is far from over and I urge everyone to continue to follow the guidance. The latest Coronavirus data for Bedford Borough is available here.
If you need a test, please do keep checking as new testing slots are added throughout the day. Tests can be arranged by visiting or by calling 119. If you don't have COVID symptoms, please do not book yourself a test, doing so only makes it harder for people with symptoms to get the test they need.
You may have also seen the Government announce new 'Coronavirus Marshalls'. I would welcome these Marshalls for Bedford Borough to help support the police and council in preventing breaches of the regulations, for example ensuring queues for pubs in Bedford town centre are managed and properly socially distanced.
Sadly this was announced without any consultation with local councils and now it appears this will not be funded by the Government apart from in the worst hit areas. There is some confusion about the Marshalls' powers, but hopefully more information will become available very soon.