Council announces new road safety measures for Wixams

At last night's Full Council meeting, Liberal Democrat Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport Councillor Charles Royden announced a raft of new measures that will improve the safety of pedestrians in Wixams.
Councillor Royden responded to a petition signed by residents to improve road safety in the village and promised action to keep residents safe. He said "Firstly, I have instructed officers to introduce a 20-mph speed limit on Brooklands Avenue, and that will be introduced as part of our 2022 programme of works. I have also asked for a weight limit to be placed on Brooklands Avenue because residents have told me that on occasion 40t lorries are driving along this road and it is entirely unsuitable for this."
The lorry ban will be brought in as a result of a Liberal Democrat petition that was sent out to residents of Wixams last month, calling for action to reduce noise and pollution and improve safety in the area.
Councillor Royden continued "Secondly, we will be introducing a new zebra crossing on Fisherwood Road to complete a safe walking route from the Retirement Village into Village One, which we began last year with the introduction of another new crossing on Bedford Road and also footway improvements to provide a safer crossing point outside the Retirement Village itself.
"I can promise the residents of Wixams that action has already been planned to address the petitioners' specific points, and those plans will be delivered just as quickly as we are able to do so."
Mayor Dave Hodgson has made road safety one of his priorities since being elected. Millions has been spent each year to improve road surfaces and the Pothole Hit Squad has taken quick action when potholes have been reported, which improves the safety of the roads. Speeding has also been an issue Mayor Dave has targeted, introducing average speed cameras in problem areas across the Borough and reducing speed limits wherever sensible.
Councillor Royden then added his frustration that the original design for the roads in Wixams failed to include safe pedestrian crossings. He said "Those designs date from the mid-2000s and were agreed by the Highway Authority at the time, which was the former Conservative-run Bedfordshire County Council. This Borough Council has once again been left to pick up the pieces from decisions made by others nearly 20 years ago. And we are continuing to do so."