Council Budget Passed With Cross Party Support

At a Full Council meeting this week the 2020/21 Budget proposed by Mayor Dave Hodgson's Executive was approved with cross party support, with no votes against.
The balanced budget maintains the record of Mayor Dave and Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats of protecting front line services in the face of huge financial challenges which elsewhere across the country have seen widespread cuts and closures taking place.
The Council faces a growing need for services and has suffered huge government funding cuts over recent years. In spite of this, this budget continues to protect the front line and key facilities such as libraries and children's centres.
It also includes major investment for the future, with over £50m for new or enhanced schools and school buildings and the funding required to deliver the new Wixams railway station, which will be recovered through fares.
Commenting, Executive Member for Finance Cllr Michael Headley said: "This budget protects frontline services and invests in the future for our Borough. So it's pleasing that not only did it pass but that it won emphatic cross-party support.'
"These continue to be extremely challenging times, and we're pleased to win strong backing for a budget which puts local communities first, now and in the future."
The core council tax rise is kept down for 2020/21 at 1.85%, while the Government's Adult Social Care precept to Council Tax is applied at 2%.